Become an Arizona Notary Public
We make the process quick and easy and will help you every step of the way. Review requirements and eligibility, fill out the application, order your notary package, see the fee schedule, find out more about notary training, and download the Notary Public Reference Manual.
Arizona Notary Requirements and Eligibility
Age Requirement: 18 years of age
Arizona Residency: Arizona primary residence for state and federal taxes
U.S. Residency: Citizen or legal permanent resident of the United States
Other: No felony convictions or license revocations, suspensions, restrictions, or denials
Application and Bond Filing Fees Procedures
Download the Allied Bonded Notary Application
The Information is required to prepare your bond:
1. Print your name as you wish your notary commission to read
and how you will be signing when you notarize something
2. Provide your physical home address and your business address3. Provide a home phone and business phone number
4. Commission name and expiration date
Please mail, email or fax your application and order form to:
Allied Bonded Insurance LLC
P.O. Box 14094
Scottsdale, AZ 85267
Our Services Include the Following
Preparing your notary bond
Filing your application and bond with the State
Mailing your stamp and supplies to you
Monitoring your commission status
Advising of current and new legislation through our website
We accept Visa/MasterCard, Checks, Money Orders and
Government Purchase Orders.
Have Questions? Call us at (602) 996-4579 or Contact Us.
All bonds and E & O policies are underwritten by Merchants Bonding Company
(Mutual). Agent for all Bonds and E & O policies is Allied Bonded Insurance, LLC.
Become a Notary
New Notary Services
Notary Fee Schedule
Acknowledgments: $0 – $10.00 per signature
Jurats: $0 – $10.00 per signature
Copy Certification: $0 – $10.00 per certification
Oath Certification: $0 – $10.00 per act